Once your doctor informs you that you have a mental, medical or a combination of ailments that prevent you from working and earning a living in St. Louis, you might have some concerns about Social Security disability benefits. There are a lot of misconceptions and misinformation out there that may have you feeling confused and unsure of your situation and what to do.
Social Security disability insurance is a federal program that provides benefits for people who suffer from disabilities that render them unfit for work. To better understand what SSDI is and how it could apply to your situation, look at the following myths about the program. Disabilities can be either mental, physical or a combination of the two. You do not necessarily have to look disabled to qualify or receive your Social Security benefits. Your qualifying condition(s) must fall under the Social Security’s Administration’s guidelines. To get SSDI benefits, you must be incapable of working any kind of job for at least 12 months or longer.
1. First-time applicants are denied
The SSA receives millions of SSDI applications each year. Many factors can affect the processing time and status of your claim. Often, applicants receive denial letters for their initial application for benefits. However, an initial denial does not mean you cannot or will not get benefits. Before filing your claim for SSDI benefits, make sure you thoroughly review your application and required documents for accuracy and completeness before submitting them. Denials often occur when there are missing or inaccurate information, documentation and a failure to follow all treatments.
2. Appeals lead to automatic approval
You might have the impression that you can simply file an appeal for benefits if you receive a denial. Though you have the option to request a hearing on the SSA’s decision on your claim, you should only file an appeal if you rightfully believe the decision was wrong and can represent your case properly.