Contrary to what a lot of people seem to believe, you do not need your doctor’s consent to file for Social Security Disability benefits.
In fact, you may find it hard to actually get your doctor’s consent — but that doesn’t necessarily mean that you can’t get your doctor’s support. You just need to understand the difference between the two.
A lot of people wait for their physician to bring up the subject of disability — and that’s a mistake. No matter what your condition, your doctor may hesitate to tell you that you are disabled for several reasons. Some patients aren’t ready to accept that they can no longer work. Some patients are able to work despite what may seem like overwhelming issues that would prevent that. And, finally, most doctors have a poor understanding of what does and does not qualify someone for disability benefits. They don’t want to tell a patient, “You’re disabled,” only to have that patient be denied once a claim is filed.
However, your physician may be perfectly willing to be your advocate if you approach him or her yourself about the possibility of filing for disability.
It can be intimidating to start the conversation, and it definitely isn’t something you want to broach on your first visit. The conversation generally goes better when your physician has had a chance to get to know you, to try a few treatments and to see how your condition responds (or fails to respond to treatment).
Make sure that you clearly explain your symptoms and mention the limitations you are struggling with at home or work (if you are still working). Remember that everything you say gets documented, so be certain to mention your chronic pain levels, any struggles you have with depression or anxiety as a part of your condition and other problems.
Finally, when you are ready to file, ask your doctor if he or she supports your decision to file for benefits. More than likely, if your condition is severe, your doctor will accept that you know your own limitations.
If you’re having trouble obtaining Social Security Disability benefits, it may be time to get an experienced attorney’s assistance. Please explore our site further or contact us directly.