In some instances, a person becomes extremely ill or disabled and is unable to work. The individual may lack the capacity to apply for assistance due to the disability.
If a family member or friend is too ill to apply for their own Social Security Disability Insurance benefits, you can help that person with the claims process.
How can you help?
You can assist your loved one by completing required SSDI forms. If you are unsure about how to fill in the forms, an advocate or disability attorney can help by walking you and the disabled person through the process. In the event that someone other than the individual applying for benefits fills out the paperwork, a representative from the Social Security Administration will reach out to the claimant to request a signature.
How can you apply?
All necessary forms for SSDI are available online. Follow the instructions noted on the website and provide all the requested documentation. Required documents include bank statements and medical records.
Who normally gets approved for SSDI?
People with serious medical conditions expected to last at least one year are usually eligible for SSDI. However, sometimes demonstrating a person’s disability on paper proves more difficult than one would think. If the SSA denies a claim, you can apply for reconsideration. Following a reconsideration, if benefits aren’t granted, the case normally goes before a judge who reviews the details of the claim.
The very nature of certain illnesses means that the person experiencing them may lack the capacity, either physically or mentally, to apply for SSDI. Friends or family members can help by going through the process on behalf of the disabled individual.