Providing Skilled Representation After Your Claim Has Been Denied
While having your initial Social Security disability benefits claim denied can feel like a crushing blow, you can recover from it. In fact, the process is nowhere near finished. According to the National Organization of Social Security Claimants’ Representatives — a group made up of lawyers who represent people in a similar situation to yours — the Social Security Administration denied more than 65 percent of initial claims as recently as 2007.
At Crowe & Shanahan in St. Louis, we are dedicated to securing the benefits that injured and disabled workers in eastern Missouri and southern Illinois deserve. From your denial all the way through the appeals process, you can rely on us to provide you with the one-on-one representation you need from an attorney focused on your case.
We are not a legal mill focused on churning out case after case. We take the time to understand the needs of our clients. Throughout the entire process, you will have access to your attorney. To schedule an appointment with one of our St. Louis denied disability claims attorneys, call us at 314-231-6660 or toll free at 1-877-213-7793.
Do Not Give Up If Your SSDI/SSI Claim Has Been Denied
If your claim has been denied, you have the right to appeal the decision. The next step is called reconsideration. At reconsideration, your claim will again be reviewed by Social Security internally. Your claim will have a high likelihood of being denied at this stage also.
The next step in the sequence is attending a hearing with the administrative law judge to discuss the merits of your claim. We will meet with you to make sure evidence is in order and you are prepared for this hearing. This will be the only time throughout the entire appeals process where you will be in the same room as someone with the power to accept or reject your claim.
Protect Your Rights
If you cannot work due to injury or disability, you need an experienced attorney to protect your rights. Choosing the right attorney can mean the difference between application acceptance and denial. Contact us today to discuss your case with a skilled attorney from our firm.