Many people in St. Louis may think that disability is something that only adults struggle with. Yet if you are the parent of a disabled child, you know that not only does it impact their lives, but it also has a drastic effect on yours.
Many in your same position have come to us here at Crowe & Shanahan concerned that Social Security Disability benefits to help support their children are not available to them (given that they may be able to still work). If you also worry about this, the following will likely come as welcome news.
SSDI benefits for kids
If your child suffers from a disabling condition, that condition may indeed qualify you to receive benefits to help support their care. Such benefits are available to you as soon as you and your family men need them, which could come immediately following the birth of your child. Indeed, failure to thrive is often a common problem that plagues newborns. If it remains consistent with your child (to the point of them requiring additional care), they may qualify for disability benefits because of it.
Understanding the qualifying conditions
You can find the criteria to qualify for SSD benefits based on your child’s failure in the Social Security Administration’s Listing of Impairments. They include your child falling into the bottom-third percentile in their weight-for-length measurements on at least 3 occasions (with each being at least 60 days apart) during their first two years or between that age of two to three. In addition, they must experience one consistent developmental delay that places them in the lower two-thirds level for their age or experience two separate delays that are 120 days apart.
You can discover more information on qualifying for SSD benefits by continuing to explore their site.