Those who are unable to work still need money. For this reason, the United States government offers Social Security Disability Insurance. This safety net is available to all Americans.
Some need financial help quicker than others. People operating the levers of power understand this reality. SSDI professionals decide whether the nature of your impairment qualifies for speedy processing.
Terminal illnesses
Claimants with conditions where death is imminent may receive preferential status. Someone with a cancerous tumor that is impossible to remove needs attention. Since the clock is ticking, support must arrive before the individual passes.
Life circumstances
Situations not involving an immediate illness also justify rapidly paying a recipient. Persons at risk of becoming homeless deserve preferential treatment. A baby born with low birth weight is another situation where time is of the essence.
Presumptive disabilities
People who have severe impairments automatically receive payment. Checks arrive up to six months ahead of an application review. Individuals with Down syndrome, amputations, or HIV qualify for this advantage.
Veterans with injuries
Individuals who serve our country deserve favoritism. The Social Security Administration gives preference to armed forces members who experience harm. It does not matter whether it originates from activity during battle, after an honorable discharge, or on leave. Note that an injury must have an occurrence date on or after October 1st, 2001 while serving active duty. State on your application that your condition stems from military activities.
Under particular circumstances, disability payments must arrive quickly. For those in such situations, the waiting period does not apply. Be aware of whether your case belongs to one of these groups.