When you are unable to work due to a condition such as epilepsy, you may be able to collect benefits from the government. If you cannot work for a period of 12 months or more due to your epilepsy, then you may qualify for benefits.
For you to qualify for Social Security Disability benefits in Missouri, you must prove that your serious impairment interferes with your ability to work. Some people can control their seizures with medication. Controlled epilepsy does not always make it impossible for a person to function or to hold down a job. In serious cases, epilepsy can qualify as a disability. Here are some of the circumstances.
Consistent and recurrent seizures
If you have at least one grand mal seizure per month, then you may qualify for disability. In order to establish that you have recurring grand mal seizures, you need to establish a pattern for three months. For dyscognitive seizures, your seizures must occur once a week for the same three-month period.
Disabling side effects of seizures
Epileptic seizures are tiring. After a seizure, you may feel fatigue accompanied by severe headaches. You may also suffer other disabilities from epilepsy. For instance, nausea, indigestion and abdominal pain may be debilitating. It can throw off your balance and hand-eye coordination, leading to trouble standing or balancing.
In order to work, you need to be able to function and to concentrate. Severe symptoms of epilepsy include difficulties focusing, controlling emotions and remembering information.
Doctor restrictions due to seizures
When you do not qualify under the above circumstances, you still may qualify if your doctor places restrictions on your activities. For instance, if your doctor restricts you from working around machinery or performing basic work functions, then you may have few options. However, keep in mind that qualifying for disability does not mean that you cannot perform your previous job but instead that you cannot perform at any job.