One determining factor in your Social Security disability case is your ability to pursue an alternative career path. If your injury prevents you from working in the position you currently hold, you may not qualify for Social Security disability benefits if you can work in another job.
Understand how the Social Security Administration evaluates your ability to pursue other types of work to get an idea of your approval chances.
What is your level of education?
One element that contributes to your ability to pursue alternative employment after your injury is your level of education. If you have a college degree, that opens up more opportunities for you. If you have only a high school diploma or a trade school certificate, you might find your options more limited. The more limited your options are, the greater your chance of disability approval.
What is your work history?
Your work history and contributing experience also factor into the evaluation of alternative employment. If you have a varied work history with a broad collection of skills, that makes it more likely that you can pursue alternative employment. For those with one single career path, alternative employment solutions might require extensive re-education first.
How old are you?
The younger you are when you suffer an injury, the greater the chances that you could pursue alternative employment. It is more cost-effective to invest in other work training or education for those with a longer employment path ahead of them.
The less likely it is that you could find alternative employment, the greater your chances of approval for Social Security disability.