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Which types of injuries qualify for SSD support?

On Behalf of | Apr 24, 2023 | Social Security Disability

An unexpected injury could interfere with your ability to work, and you might need to take some time off. Can you apply for Social Security Disability benefits?

The answer depends on whether you meet eligibility requirements. Knowing how the SSD defines disability can help you make an educated decision about your next steps.

The impact of your injury on your life

An injury that impacts your ability to live a normal life can cause frustration, but how much does it impair your independence? This is the big question the Social Security Administration seeks an answer to when you apply for disability benefits. According to the SSA, a qualifying disability need to meet specific metrics including the following:

  • Your injury interferes with the skills you need to perform your job
  • Your injury will take at least a year to recover from or could have a fatal outcome
  • Your injury prevents you from engaging in substantial gainful activity (SGA)

While you receive treatment for your injury, document details about your condition and ask for copies of your medical records. Evidence of your condition provides critical support when you file an application.

The outcome after you receive benefits

If the SSA approves your application and you collect SSD benefits, you might wonder what will happen to them if you wish to return to work at some point. The SSA encourages you to return to work and even provides incentives to support you along the way. Most importantly, make sure you communicate regularly with them when your intentions change. Failure to do so could result in costly consequences if you continue to collect benefits while working.

SSD benefits can provide reliable support during an uncertain time. Careful attention throughout the application process may improve your chances of receiving benefits.