Many people face various mental health challenges every day. Some of these individuals may find relief and support through Social Security Disability Insurance.
In Missouri, there are specific aspects to consider when applying for SSDI due to mental conditions.
1. Eligibility criteria for mental conditions
Almost 23% of Missouri adults have a mental illness, and some of these people may need benefits. To qualify for SSDI benefits in Missouri based on a mental condition, individuals must meet certain eligibility criteria.
The Social Security Administration evaluates mental impairments under a specific set of guidelines. These guidelines consider the severity and duration of the mental condition, as well as its impact on the individual’s ability to work. Medical professionals must expect the condition to last for at least 12 months or result in death.
2. Medical evidence is necessary
When applying for SSDI benefits due to a mental condition in Missouri, comprehensive medical evidence is important. The SSA relies on medical records, psychiatric evaluations and other documentation to assess the severity of the mental impairment. This evidence should establish the diagnosis, symptoms and functional limitations the mental condition causes. Maintain regular contact with medical professionals to ensure a thorough and up-to-date medical record.
3. The importance of following treatment plans
Continuing with prescribed medical treatments and therapies is necessary for individuals seeking SSDI benefits for mental conditions in Missouri. The SSA may consider whether the applicant is following recommended treatment plans and the resulting impact on their ability to work. Not following treatment may affect the SSA’s decision on the severity of the mental condition and eligibility for benefits.
4. The role of work history
An individual’s work history, including their payment of Social Security taxes, also affects SSDI eligibility. Workers earn work credits based on the amount of time they work and the payment of Social Security taxes. Meeting the required number of work credits is necessary for qualifying for SSDI benefits.
Individuals navigating this process should be aware of these key factors to improve their chances of a successful SSDI application.