When you apply for Social Security Disability Insurance in Missouri and the U.S. Social Security Administration sends you a denial in response, you may feel justifiably frustrated. However, you should know that many people facing similar scenarios also receive denials when they apply for SSDI benefits. Yet, many of them also receive approval later after filing an appeal.
Per the SSA, the four-step SSDI appeals process gives you a means through which to ask the administration to reconsider your application. It has four levels, all of which may not be necessary. The four levels of the SSDI appeals process are as follows.
1. Reconsideration
When you request a reconsideration of your SSDI application, you are asking someone who had no part in denying your original claim to review it to see if they reach the same conclusion.
2. Hearing in front of an administrative law judge
If the second person to review your SSDI application agrees with the first one, you may need to ask for a hearing with an administrative law judge. The hearing may take place in person or online.
3. Review by the appeals council
If the first and second stages in the appeals process fail to result in you receiving approval for benefits, you may ask the appeals council to take another look at your case.
4. Federal court review
The last stage in the SSDI appeals process involves a federal court review. You may need to do this if the appeals court denies your application or refuses to review it at all.
If you decide to launch an appeal for a denied SSDI claim, you have 60 days from the date you received your denial to do so.